Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Odd Man Out

No matter what we do or wear we go it seems that Aiden is always the odd man out. He functions so much better by himself that he tends to push everyone away. It never fails that when we are out and about in a group he is off somewhere else. This morning I had 8 kids at the house. Aiden came out, walked around and went right back into play his xbox. Do you think he was born this socially inept. Lord knows that I am socially challenged. I wonder if I acted the same way at 5. I know I did at 13. But I don't want that for him. I want him to be malleable and adapt to situations. To find friends and fun anywhere he looks cause he can be a good friend in return. How do I teach that? I try and expose him to new and diverse groups of people. I try and teach him about kindness and sharing and being helpful. Then he hides under the trampoline. Somedays I just can't blame him. I'd rather hide in the house and play Lego Batman too.

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