Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Castle - my first attempt at cake building!

Don't mind the slightly leaning tower there. But on another note. The kids dismantled the towers and ate ice cream cones at the party, that was a huge hit!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Devon's Steelers Cake

the birthday cake I made for devons 10th. I have a love and hate relationship with the dots. I hate them but llove the way they fix the letters.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Star Cake

This is the cake I made for a friend of mines cousins birthday. Its actually strawberry cake, 4 layers of strawberry cake and covered with fondant stars. Some of the stars are on curly wire and some are on bamboo skewers. the bamboo skewers worked the best.

I wish I had done something to the large stars, either layered them with other colors or something. They seemed to plain with the other ones above them.


Freworks are one of my most favorite favorite things. Its like that old sound of music song about liking wool mittens. I like fireworks. I like them so much I drag 2 children, 3 & 5 year olds, out to see fireworks on the same day I woke them up at 3:30 to see a parade. Besides one major episode where the 5 year old got mad and tried to eat the blanket it went well. And the fireworks,,,, the were incredible. A multitude of sparks and shimmers and OMG hearts, stars and planets. Some really awesome ones.

The boys are pretty used to fireworks. Afterall this isnt the first ones I've drug them to this year. But even they were beyond amused by the spectacle. And getting giant green and blue glowing saber swords didn't hurt either.

Friday, August 7, 2009

My Oil Rig Cake

This is the cake I made for my friends father's 50th birthday party. It was a 12 inch chocolate cake on the bottom. A ten inch, both covered in white and black fondant. Then I built the tower out of brownies. covered them in fondant and added the accents with more fondant. It turned out a little shorter then i had planned but overall I think it looked ok.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Odd Man Out

No matter what we do or wear we go it seems that Aiden is always the odd man out. He functions so much better by himself that he tends to push everyone away. It never fails that when we are out and about in a group he is off somewhere else. This morning I had 8 kids at the house. Aiden came out, walked around and went right back into play his xbox. Do you think he was born this socially inept. Lord knows that I am socially challenged. I wonder if I acted the same way at 5. I know I did at 13. But I don't want that for him. I want him to be malleable and adapt to situations. To find friends and fun anywhere he looks cause he can be a good friend in return. How do I teach that? I try and expose him to new and diverse groups of people. I try and teach him about kindness and sharing and being helpful. Then he hides under the trampoline. Somedays I just can't blame him. I'd rather hide in the house and play Lego Batman too.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Lack of the Dead

I really miss embalming. I miss the chemicals, the art, the dead. I want to feel a trocar in my hand and make a gorgeous tight whip stich. I want to obsess over closing the eyes and finding the artery. I need to be surrounsded by death. When you spend your day elbow deep in someone's thorasic cavity there is no where left to go but up. God forbid you spend the day laboring over the care of a baby that was to perfect for this world. Its a sick, heatbreaking and morbidly fascinating all at once. No matter how your day goes with a dead baby there is nothing as sweet as walking in the door and hefting a large and healthy brown eyed little boy in the air. Its the ultimate balance. The ultimate testament to loving what you have while you have it.
Now I have endless days and nights of these lovely little monsters stuck in a house. Four white walls pushing in while the looming threat of school is making them push back. I want a babysitter and 5 or 6 hours in a cold quiet prep room with nothnig but me and the dead. I don't care if theyre 97 and their artery's are so afflcited by atherosclerosis that I have to hype their entire bed sore covered body. I just want the dead.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Three Punks

Its hard to imagine summer is almost over. School is going to be a culture shock to these little fish.