Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tea Party

There is going to be a protest Wednesday Spetember 9th at 9am in down town canton. A bunch of right wing consevative duche bags are getting together to protest the cost of their viagra. I'm wearing my Obama shirt and taking my camera. Depending how the day goes I'll either end up in jail or laughing my ass off.
Being the liberal that I am support anyone's right to free speech. Even theirs. I genuinely can't wait to hear what they have to say. And then to make fun of it.
For the record, least anyone get confused by me going to a republican function. I am a DEMOCRAT. I will always be a democrat. I have not now, or ever held any belief even similar to that of the Republican Party. I'm all about government funded health care. I'm all about raising taxes and funding what needs done in this country. I'm doing everything in my power to raise my boys as liberal, tree huggin, democrats as I can. And I can't wait to get in themuck of things at this protest. I can't Frickin Wait.